Total Claims Management is a proactive approach to immediate involvement and containment of workers' compensation claim costs. Some key factors in controlling costs are early intervention, medical documentation and a treatment/action plan. Immediate identification of potential issues and concerns at the onset of a claim as well as addressing decisions within the required timeframe provide opportunities for the best possible outcome.
Effective and consistent claims management reflects ultimately in lower costs of a claim and subsequently lower premiums. While some employers may view this as "a cost of doing business," unnecessary claim costs are often avoidable or are able to be mitigated to minimize financial loss.
PD Stover Professional Corporation professionally manages your claim from the onset of an injury to the resolution.
It is crucial that employers exercise their right to appeal, after all, it has a direct impact on current and future costs. PD Stover Professional Corporation ensures that the employer's rights are protected and are professionally represented at all appeal levels, at no additional cost.
Internal claims management can be very time consuming and complex. We understand the workers' compensation legislation, policies and procedures, as well as how they are applied to a claim. We know what the resulting impact is on a claim, how claim decisions are made and how a claim is processed from initial to resolution. By providing our expertise and experience in only managing workers' compensation claims, we are able to access pertinent information for your specific situation. Having our experience in managing complex claims and representing clients nationwide at tribunals and working with your team of professionals, assures you the best possible outcome.
A partnership with PD Stover Professional Corporation allows you to focus on the other important aspects of your business, while we professionally manage your workers' compensation claims.